

These are the stocks I traded between December 9th and 13th, 2024. Could I have done better? Absolutely. Did I learn valuable lessons? Yes, I did.

The key lessons revolved around patience and sticking to the plan that you set in advance, before emotions and reactive impulses take over like an autopilot.

In my opinion, practicing focus, over and over again, is a psychological skill that is crucial in every aspect of life, but it is paramount in trading. The ability to isolate yourself from external and internal influences and to consistently return to your plan and the core of your trade is what sets disciplined traders apart.

Mastering this psychological resilience can make all the difference.

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Manage Your Time with Purpose and Precision – Prioritize What Truly Matters:  Priority Manager Desktop Online and Priority Manager Cell Phone Online

Take the first step towards self-discipline and emotional clarity with YouTube channel  DeployDiscipline